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Category: Chronic Relapse

Signs You Need Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Signs You Need Dual Diagnosis Treatment

More than 7 million people have a dual diagnosis of a substance abuse disorder and another mental health condition. But the substance abuse disorder can cloud the signs of the dual diagnosis. When you’re in the throes of addiction, the substance abuse problem can seem like the most pressing issue

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Codependency in Recovery

Codependency in Recovery

Building healthy relationships and getting support from others is essential during recovery. However, people who are trying to get clean often struggle with codependent relationships. Codependency recovery programs allow people with addiction histories and their loved ones to establish balanced, constructive relationships. What Is Codependency? At first glance, codependency can

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Emotional Sobriety

What is Emotional Sobriety and How Do You Practice It?

Physical sobriety means that you abstain from alcohol and drugs. While that’s essential for recovery, emotional sobriety is also important. Emotional sobriety involves being able to regulate your feelings so that you can cope with all aspects of life without returning to drugs. What Is Emotional Sobriety? Many people are

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The Importance of Honesty in Recovery

The Importance of Honesty in Recovery

You’ve probably heard the saying “You can’t help somebody unless they want to help themselves.” But someone with an addiction won’t see a reason to help themselves if they don’t believe that they have a problem. To be successful in addiction recovery, you must be honest with yourself. Being honest

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EMDR Therapy for Addiction Treatment

6 Benefits of EMDR Therapy for Addiction Treatment

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy, also known as EMDR therapy, is a powerful method for treating trauma. It involves activating sensory inputs on the right and left side of the body while the patient recalls a traumatic memory. The sensory activity might include buzzing a paddle that the patient

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Relapse Cycle in Addiction

What Is the Relapse Cycle in Addiction?

The definition of relapse within addiction can be complex. We tend to view it as the moment when a sober individual returns to using their addictive substance again. A more precise definition would be that relapse refers to the process that leads a sober individual back to substance use. The

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The First 30 Days of Rehab

The First 30 Days of Rehab

What are the first 30 days of rehab like? It depends.  Often when going into rehab, clients need to go to detox. Medical detox is critical for people who are saturated with alcohol or drugs. Especially with alcohol withdrawal, clients can have seizures and even die. The First 30 Days

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Post acute withdrawal syndrome

What is Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome?

Ultimately, many symptoms of alcohol or drug withdrawal are the result of the effects that these chemicals have on the body and brain. In the first days and even weeks during withdrawal, different withdrawal symptoms may occur as a result of abruptly stopping taking a substance. The longer someone has

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What to Do When Rehab Doesn’t Work

Oftentimes when we see a client who has successfully been admitted into Burning Tree Ranch, they have already had several treatment episodes. In extreme cases, we have seen some clients who have gone to more than three dozen treatment centers before making it to the Ranch. By this time, these

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