Alumni of Burning Tree Ranch Long-Term Treatment Program
The alumni of Burning Tree express the experience, strength, and hope that we hold for the chronic relapser.
As the nation’s only authentic, long-term treatment provider, our clients enjoy the opportunity to form life-long bonds that create depth, meaning, and a rich sense of fellowship. These relationships, formed as a result of life-changing experiences in treatment, are then further cultivated through the experiences shared as alumni.
Given their profound experience in recovery, our alumni are able to carry a message of hope to the alcoholic and addict who still suffers. Giving back to others, practicing selflessness, and living a life of service are just a few of the principles our alumni strive for.
We also like to have fun! Afterall, there is a lot to celebrate as a Burning Tree Ranch alumni. First among them, a lifetime of permanent sobriety.
The 22nd Annual Burning Tree Alumni Reunion
- September 20th, 2025
- Kaufman, TX