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Our Promise: Deliver life-changing clinical interventions to those who have been unable to find freedom from the unending cycle of relapse.

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Meet Our Ranch Dogs

OUR DOGS ARE... Loving Accepting Affectionate


Loving Accepting Affectionate

These are some of the words that have been used to describe the canine companions that have accompanied our clients since 1999. Dogs are an important part of everyday life at the Ranch. Our clients have the opportunity to care for, feed, and yes, bond with “man’s best friend” during their time with us.

Since the very first client in 1999, Burning Tree Ranch has been home to a wide variety of playful, caring creatures.

Some of them are featured on this page. The ones that aren’t, and there are many, are just as beloved.
Ranch Dogs

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than it loves itself.”

~ Josh Billings
Ranch Dogs


Our founder, David Elliott, a dog rescue advocate, has made his passion for our four-legged creatures a central theme to the healing process at Burning Tree Ranch.

“In my own addiction, I didn’t always provide my dogs the love and attention they deserved,” says Burning Tree Ranch Founder, David Elliott. “Today, in sobriety, I seek to ensure that every one of our dogs receive the best care, and the best attention possible.”

Each canine at the Ranch is carefully tended to by our local veterinarian and receives the highest quality care from staff and clients alike. Like few others, a Ranch dog gets to live out all the wonders and joy of a loving, permanent home.

At any given time, the Ranch may be home to upwards of 10 dogs. Our clients name each new arrival, correlating their canine personalities with memorable monikers such as Pinky, Sugarfoot, and Domino.

These names remain alive, along with their memories, long into our client’s futures.

Ranch Dogs
Ranch Dogs
Ranch Dogs Names
Ranch Dogs
Ranch Dogs

“Dogs have a way of finding the people that need them”

~ Thom Jones


At Burning Tree Ranch our clients undergo significant upheavals during their journey into permanent sobriety.

Along the way, our clients develop deep bonds, enjoy unquestionable support, and have deep and meaningful interactions with their four-legged friends.

Identified as non-judgmental, kind, and patient, a Ranch dog is often the exact venue a client requires to find the strength they need to discover self-acceptance.

Our dogs are teachers, listeners, and all-around friends to the client community at Burning Tree Ranch. These dogs make invaluable contributions to the client experience. With some, they are regarded as heaven sent companions.

As our alumni return to the Ranch for reunions, visits, and other annual celebrations, they often rejoice in the memories they hold for the dogs that accompanied them in the early days of their recovery.

The Legacy Continues…


Expecting nothing in return, the Ranch dog is an unshakable ally, a devoted friend, and willing participant.

Like no other creature on earth, the Ranch dog walks alongside our client as they engage an incredible journey of self-examination.

As the disciplines of recovery take hold, as therapeutic milestones are met, and as relationships begin to heal, the Ranch dogs are right there for our clients, every step of the way.

Lending themselves unselfishly, these dogs share in the heritage of our program, inform our traditions, and contribute immeasurably to the client process of creating a life of excellence beyond sobriety.


Burning Tree Ranch is a highly sophisticated long-term residential treatment and aftercare program designed exclusively for the chronic relapser.

Operating outside the limitations of a traditional 30, 60 or 90-day format, Burning Tree adheres to progress-based metrics that inform the clinical treatment team of the unique mental, emotional and spiritual needs of each individual, resulting in dynamic breakthroughs for those formerly unable to achieve meaningful, long-term recovery.

As of today, we are the only treatment center in the United States that combines time-intensive residential treatment with a therapeutically coordinated aftercare program focused singularly on the treatment of chronic relapsers.