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Our Promise: Deliver life-changing clinical interventions to those who have been unable to find freedom from the unending cycle of relapse.

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What Families Can Expect: Support Throughout Long-Term Treatment & The Recovery Journey

As addiction advances, family members are presented with crisis after crisis.

When one fire is put out, another quickly develops. There is very little rest for the family of a chronic relapser.

This needs to change.

We invite families to explore the impact of addiction on their lives and begin the process of doing things differently.

It's Time For Your Family to Try Something Different

Our families, like our clients, come to us broken. Having endured years of agony at the hands of a constant, unyielding addiction, Burning Tree Families are ready for something different.

They are ready for Burning Tree!

Unlike traditional 30-, 60-, and 90-day programs, we understand there are no quick fixes for the depth of our clients’ problems. While short-term programs may have worked for others, chronic relapse requires something different—in fact, something extraordinary.

Understanding Addiction as a Family Disease

Addiction wreaks havoc upon families emotionally, financially, and physically. In many cases, it destroys families entirely.

It is an uncomfortable reality to be repeatedly confronted with relapse, dashed hopes, and ever-worsening consequences. It can also be painful for the family to change its response to the addicted loved one’s behaviors, crises, and misadventures.

After all, once the family system acclimates to living with addiction and all the attendant craziness attached to it, each member grows familiar with the patterns, the responses, and the roles they’ve been assigned to play.

Before long, these patterns become normalized, even expected.

By treating addiction as a family disease, we create opportunities for healing, growth, and transformation that extend beyond the individual in treatment.

David Elliot, Founder

“We want our families to come to the Family Program to help themselves, not to help their loved one.”

David Elliott, Founder & President

Burning Tree Ranch At a Glance

What Makes Burning Tree Different from Other Treatment Programs?

Burning Tree is the Nation’s only authentic long-term treatment provider specializing in the treatment of chronic relapse. We address life and death matters as they relate to chronic addiction and mental health.

The Necessity of Separation: Creating Space for Healing

To treat addiction as a family disease, there needs to be separation from the addicted loved one and the rest of the family members.

This separation allows the individual and the family to focus on their healing and growth, free from the distractions and stressors of old patterns and behaviors.

Setting healthy boundaries and practicing self-care allows family members to rediscover their identities and priorities outside the home, laying the groundwork for a healthier, more supportive family dynamic.

What Does Separation Look Like?

We instruct families to limit contact and phone calls with their loved ones at the onset of treatment and ask that discussion topics be restricted to “news, sports, and weather.”

When separation occurs, it allows both parties—clients and families—to begin their healing journey. Each person, family member, and client starts working on their recovery independently.

Is Separation Necessary?

If it weren’t a critical part of our long-term treatment program, we wouldn’t ask families to go through the uncomfortable process of separation from their loved ones.

In our experience, we find that some family members lose a piece of their identity once their loved one enters long-term treatment. Despite the pain of addiction, acting as a problem solver can provide a sense of purpose. Sometimes, a family member may feel lonely because their role as enabler, fixer, or codependent is no longer needed.

As feelings of guilt, shame, or fear come to the surface, some family members may seek to curtail these feelings by buying gifts, showering praise, or dismissing past injuries in hopes that doing so will mitigate the addicted loved one’s discomfort.

Sunset at Burning Tree Ranch - Authentic Long-Term Treatment

Parallel Journeys: Family Transformation During Treatment

As their loved one progresses through treatment at Burning Tree Ranch, families will experience their transformative journey.

Just as their loved one is expected to participate in a twelve-step program, we expect our families to participate, too. We also ask that family members attain a home group sponsor and begin working all twelve steps with their sponsor immediately.

Overwhelmingly, our families show urgency and dedication in answering the crisis call for their loved ones in active addiction. We ask them to apply that same sense of desperate urgency to their recoveries. When they do, recovery outcomes are not only better, but they are sustainable.

Driveway at Burning Tree Ranch in Kaufman, TX
Colorful Rose Bushes at Burning Tree Ranch

Embracing Change: Supporting Lasting Independence in Recovery

Clients and families alike must learn to support themselves through their newly found independence and self-sufficiency. For family members, this means allowing the recovering individual to be held accountable for their own life choices and take responsibility for their recovery journey.

Families emerge from the Burning Tree Ranch experience as independent people with independent programs and recoveries. They will learn to express their support and love more effectively.

They will no longer seek to evade, control, or mitigate a relapse. Instead, they will be responsible for themselves and themselves only. Communication will become more transparent, direct, and authentic.


Struggles & Hopes Before Treatment

As a specialty program dedicated to treating chronic relapse, the Ranch Team has listened extensively over the years.

Here is what Burning Tree families say they need:

Families, WE HEAR YOU!

We promise to be direct, consistent, and straightforward. We will do everything possible to help you move toward a new era of permanent recovery.

Stories of Recovery

What Do Burning Tree Families Say?

We know the Burning Tree program is effective for complex, advanced cases of addiction. We also know what we’re asking families to undertake is far from simple or easy.

The transformative results of the Burning Tree experience are best illustrated through the stories of our families who have undergone the journey firsthand.

Treating Mental Health & Substance Use Together

How We Manage Dual Diagnosis at Burning Tree Ranch

Burning Tree is the Nation’s only authentic long-term treatment provider specializing in the treatment of chronic relapse.

We address life and death matters as they relate to chronic addiction and mental health.

What To Expect

Burning Tree Graduates

Our clients engage in a highly customized, life-altering treatment program tailored to the individual. While the goal is permanent sobriety, the mission is so much more. Here’s what to expect from a Burning Tree Graduate:

Seem too good to be true? Burning Tree is a long-term specialty program that focuses exclusively on the complex needs of chronic relapsers. In fact, that’s all we do.

Burning Tree Ranch Icon in White

How Do I Know If My Loved One is a Fit for Burning Tree Ranch?

Answer a Few Short Questions

Letters to Families: Read First-Hand Accounts Of Recovery

A Letter for Families From Our Clinical Director Meghan Bohlman

Dear Families, I often meet you after the whirlwind that ends with your loved one arriving at Burning Tree Ranch. I meet you in the space between relief that your loved one made it into long term treatment and fear that they won’t stay long enough to accept the help being offered. It is in this space that our treatment team will begin construction of something new with you.

Read the Letter »
What To Expect

Family of Graduates

Our families come to us skeptical and uncertain – even hopeless. Upon completion of the program, here’s what to expect from a Burning Tree Graduate’s Family:

Feel unattainable? Burning Tree clients undergo a long process of transformation. Our families do, too.

Burning Tree Ranch Icon in White

Looking Ahead: Life After Burning Tree Ranch

Our aftercare program is designed to help clients merge their newfound sobriety with the demands and challenges of everyday life. We recognize that transitioning from the structured, supportive residential treatment environment to the real world can be daunting, so we work closely with families to facilitate long-term aftercare.

Burning Tree is a World-Renown Organization

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