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Our Promise: Deliver life-changing clinical interventions to those who have been unable to find freedom from the unending cycle of relapse.

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Tailored Aftercare: Ensuring Lasting Sobriety After Residential Treatment for Chronic Addiction

Aftercare Customized for the Chronic Relapser

Achieving lasting sobriety requires more than just completing a residential treatment program. For individuals struggling with chronic addiction, the journey to recovery extends far beyond the walls of our inpatient facility.

Our aftercare program is designed to help clients merge their newfound sobriety with the demands and challenges of everyday life. We recognize that transitioning from the structured, supportive residential treatment environment to the real world can be daunting, so we work closely with families to facilitate long-term aftercare.

Specialized Aftercare: Bridging the Gap Between Treatment and Real Life

Burning Tree Ranch maintains one of the country’s strongest and most comprehensive aftercare programs. We offer our clients an environment where sobriety is merged with challenging, real-world scenarios.

Our aftercare program is customized for those who have struggled to maintain sobriety in other, less specialized environments. Providing a focused degree of structure, accountability, and personalized care, we help our clients achieve realistic milestones that position sobriety at the forefront of life.

"Studies indicate that continuing care interventions were more likely to produce positive outcomes when they had a longer planned duration."

- Source: National Institutes of Health

Accountability Through Total Integration of Treatment Staff and Family

One key feature of Burning Tree Ranch’s aftercare program is the complete integration of our treatment staff and our clients’ family members. We believe that ongoing support, guidance, and accountability from multiple sources are crucial for preventing relapse and promoting lasting recovery.

Our aftercare team works closely with therapists, case managers, and other treatment professionals to ensure continuity and a seamless journey through aftercare.

Families, too, are actively involved in the aftercare process. We provide families with regular updates, resources, and guidance to help them support their loved one’s recovery journey. This integrated approach helps our clients stay connected, motivated, and accountable, reducing the risk of isolation and relapse.

Jesse Earwood, Executive Director

“At the end of the day, what we’re doing is empowering our clients to create a life of excellence.”

Jesse Earwood, Executive Director

Supporting Clients & Their Families Throughout Aftercare

After completing the progress-based inpatient phase of treatment at Burning Tree Ranch and the Family Program, our clients begin transitioning to our long-term aftercare program.

The transition process is designed to be slow and strategic. When helping chronic addicts and alcoholics, we have found that most of our clients needed a smoother, more tailored transition from inpatient treatment back into the real world.

Colorful Rose Bushes at Burning Tree Ranch

Expectations for Aftercare Clients

To ensure that our clients maintain their commitment to sobriety and continue to grow in their recovery, we have established clear expectations for participation in our aftercare program.

Red Icon of a Head containing outline of Mind

12-Step Program Development

Burning Tree Ranch Icon in White

Life Skills Development

Life After Residential Treatment

The Aftercare Phases of Our Long-Term Treatment Program

The complete long-term treatment program at Burning Tree Ranch is broken up into four key phases. We start with full residential treatment before transitioning into aftercare and independent living. 

Phase 3

Tailored Aftercare & Supportive Living

The third phase of our program focuses on providing a structured, supportive living environment for our clients as they transition from residential treatment into full-time aftercare.

During this phase, clients reside in our gender-specific sober living homes, where they benefit from ongoing accountability, community support, and therapeutic services. Our aftercare team works closely with each client to establish personalized goals and milestones, ensuring that they continue to progress in their recovery while gradually increasing their independence and self-sufficiency.

  • Location: Dallas, TX
  • Emphasis: For the client to become fully self-supporting while growing in sobriety, responsibility, & self awareness.
Phase 4

Tailored Aftercare & Independent Living

As our clients demonstrate readiness and stability in their recovery, they transition to the fourth phase of our program, which focuses on independent living in aftercare.

During this phase, clients transition into independent living with one or two Burning Tree Ranch community peers. Each member of our aftercare program is expected to hold one another accountable during cohabitation. While they experience increased autonomy and responsibility, they continue to receive ongoing support, guidance, and accountability from our aftercare team.

  • Location: Dallas, TX
  • Emphasis: Preparing for complete independence financially, emotionally, & spiritually.

The Journey Begins

Clients graduate the entire Burning Tree continuum of care with a strong foundation of sobriety, a comprehensive set of life skills, and a renewed purpose in life.

What To Expect

Family of Graduates

Our families come to us skeptical and uncertain – even hopeless. Upon completion of the program, here’s what to expect from a Burning Tree Graduate’s Family:

Feel unattainable? Burning Tree clients undergo a long process of transformation. Our families do, too.

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