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Our Promise: Deliver life-changing clinical interventions to those who have been unable to find freedom from the unending cycle of relapse.

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Resources & Articles For Families Navigating Addiction & Mental Health Treatment

This page serves as a comprehensive guide for families grappling with the complexities of addiction and mental health issues. It offers a wealth of information, including expert articles, personal stories, treatment options, and coping strategies. Designed to support and educate, this resource aims to empower families with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the challenging journey toward recovery and well-being.

Identifying Chronic Relapse: A Strong Sense of Entitlement

Entitlement in addiction is a tricky beast. It’s not always obvious, but its impact on recovery can be devastating. We treat a lot of different kinds of mental health disorders at Burning Tree Ranch, and so I’ve watched countless individuals struggle with this mindset. Usually, they don’t even realize how it undermines their efforts to get sober. It’s a self-defeating behavior that also tends to push away others that might try to offer us help.

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