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Category: 12 Steps

How Alcoholics Anonymous Third Step Prayer Works

“Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as weunderstood Him.” ––– Step 3 When a newcomer is in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous, the third step prayer can cause some confusion. Often people will say to do the third step prayer,

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What to Expect From an Al-Anon Meeting

There are support groups available for friends and families of alcoholics called Al-Anon groups. Al-Anon meetings can help those close to alcoholics who find themselves caught up in an overwhelming whirlwind of frustration and disappointment. What is Al-Anon? Al-Anon meetings are not based on any particular religion. They focus on

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How to Pick a Sponsor

How to Pick a Sponsor in Alcoholics Anonymous

Picking a sponsor to work with is a critical step to take in Alcoholics Anonymous. Working the steps is what Alcoholics Anonymous was designed to do. After nearly a century of meetings and groups across the world, Alcoholics Anonymous can sometimes veer away from the book. That’s why it is

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