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Our Promise: Deliver life-changing clinical interventions to those who have been unable to find freedom from the unending cycle of relapse.

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Letters to Families Read First-Hand Accounts of Recovery

Read the first-hand accounts of hope and recovery directly from Burning Tree Ranch alumni, their families, and our clinical treatment team. These messages are delivered in the form of authentic letters, and express our common humanity and our shared struggle against the disease of addiction.

A Letter for Families From Our Clinical Director Meghan Bohlman

Dear Families, I often meet you after the whirlwind that ends with your loved one arriving at Burning Tree Ranch. I meet you in the space between relief that your loved one made it into long term treatment and fear that they won’t stay long enough to accept the help being offered. It is in this space that our treatment team will begin construction of something new with you.

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A Letter for Families from Lisa M., Mother of an Alumnus

Dear Families, When I started this letter for Burning Tree families I thought about what I would have wanted to hear when I was at the point you are at now. What words of wisdom could someone give me? It wasn’t more addiction horror stories; you’ve experienced that firsthand.

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