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Video: A Program of Excellence

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Brook McKenzie Shares What It Means for Burning Tree Ranch to Be a Program of Excellence

Video Summary:

This video features Brook McKenzie, LCDC and Chief Operating Officer of Burning Tree Programs. Himself an alumnus of the program, he shares his perspective on how Burning Tree Ranch represents excellence and integrity.

His personal experience and connection to Burning Tree motivate him in sharing the program’s commitment to upholding a high standard while delivering Burning Tree’s mission to help both clients and their families achieve lasting recovery.

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One of the things that inspired me to join the Burning Tree Ranch team is that Burning Tree Ranch is a program of excellence, and a program of integrity. I very much wanted to be a part of that program.

My name is Brook McKenzie. I’m the Chief Operating Officer for Burning Tree Programs, and I’m also a grateful alum of Burning Tree Ranch.

As a graduate and alum of the Burning Tree Ranch program, I’m very, very blessed to get to have the opportunity to get to interact with families; to interact with clients; to interact with all of our staff; and to get to participate on a daily basis with all of the wonderful things that happen in our environment.

And some of those wonderful things that are happening are lives changing, wounds being healed, and people and persons getting to move on from the tight constraints of addiction and chronic relapse.

We specialize in not only helping the chronic relapser recover fully and permanently, but we specialize in helping and assisting the family in their own recovery process so that they too can live a life of freedom.


- SINCE 1999 -

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