Category: Dual Diagnosis

7 Reasons to Go to Therapy

7 Reasons to Go to Therapy

As a nation, we have progressed when it comes to mental health. More often than not, people are acknowledging the importance of mental health just as they would take care of their physical health, but there are still a lot of obstacles, financially and socially, that stop people from seeking

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People-Pleasing and Self-Worth

People-Pleasing and Self-Worth

Change, especially when it comes to honoring our mental health and removing addictive patterns, means shifting multiple facets of our lives. This could look like removing people who we were once close with, removing ourselves from certain situations, even removing ourselves completely by moving our homes or changing jobs.  While

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Helping Your Loved One with Depression

Helping Your Loved One with Depression

As a close friend or family member of someone struggling with chronic depression, it can be difficult and frustrating to navigate such a sensitive and worrisome situation.  You are likely to be concerned about their well-being, but unsure of how to help. While nothing can take the place of professional

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6 Physical Signs That You are Over-Stressed

6 Physical Signs That You are Over-Stressed

The word “stress” is thrown around rather liberally these days, and anyone who is dealing with the typical balancing act of everyday life will likely tell you that they regularly experience stress.  Stress on its own is not always a bad thing. Small amounts of stress can help you stay

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4 Tips for Coping with Parenting Stress

4 Tips for Coping with Parenting Stress

Every parent experiences moments of high stress, but when the stress level in a household is constantly elevated due to difficult circumstances or an overwhelmed parent, the effect can be decremental for everyone involved.  While every parent is vulnerable to parenting stress, one study published in 2015 found that mothers

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Treating Addiction as a Symptom of Trauma

Treating Addiction as a Symptom of Trauma

Substance abuse and addiction are still widely misunderstood, both culturally and by many medical providers.  Because of this misunderstanding, we have created a legal process and healthcare system that often punish those with addictions, exacerbating their already poor circumstances.  Many people who find their way into a courtroom or a

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5 Anger Management Techniques Everyone Can Use

5 Anger Management Techniques Everyone Can Use

Anger is a natural and normal emotion that can help us identify underlying issues and indicate an opportunity for problem resolution.  Just like pain, anger is a signal to take better care of yourself. While becoming angry in response to a confrontational person or unfair situation every once in a

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Finding Purpose May Be the Key to Happiness

Finding Purpose May Be the Key to Happiness

We all dedicate a large majority of our lives striving towards happiness.  We may try to find it through money and material wealth, service to others, love and companionship, or professional success and power.  We sometimes turn to artificial means to generate something close to the experience of happiness by

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Working Out Your Mind

Working Out Your Mind

Experts are beginning to postulate that the concept of working out your mind may soon be considered as important and commonplace as working out your body.  Most people already know the benefits of physical exercise for health and wellbeing, and there are entire industries built around physical fitness. While the

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