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Guardians & Conservators

Guardians or Conservators are appointed to make decisions on behalf of individuals who are deemed unable to manage their affairs due to mental incapacity, physical disability, or other reasons, including substance use disorders (SUD). They play a crucial role in safeguarding their wards’ well-being and financial interests. Below, we list

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Certified Estate Planners (CEPs)

A Certified Estate Planner (CEP) specializes in helping clients plan for their estates’ future management and disposition. While their focus is primarily on financial and legal aspects of estate planning, they may encounter situations where a client’s or their family member’s substance use disorder (SUD) significantly impacts estate planning decisions.

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Certified Financial Planners (CFPs)

Certified Financial Planners (CFPs) work closely with clients to manage their finances, investments, and overall financial planning strategies. This close relationship can provide CFPs with insights into personal issues affecting a client’s financial health, including substance use disorders (SUD). Below, we outline several circumstances under which a CFP might refer

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Certified Public Accountants (CPAs)

Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) typically focus on financial matters, including tax planning, financial auditing, and management consulting. However, their close working relationship with clients can sometimes place them in a position to observe personal issues, such as substance use disorders, that affect financial decisions and stability. Below, we outline several

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Prosecutors & District Attorneys

Prosecutors or District Attorneys (DAs) play a pivotal role within the criminal justice system, which includes making decisions that can divert individuals with substance use disorders (SUD) toward treatment rather than traditional punitive measures. There are several circumstances under which they might refer a person to long-term, chronic addiction treatment

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Criminal Attorneys

Criminal attorneys frequently encounter situations where substance use disorder (SUD) intersects with legal issues, prompting them to consider long-term, chronic addiction treatment for their clients. The decision to refer a client to treatment is often motivated by both the desire to provide holistic legal defense and the recognition of addiction

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Divorce & Family Attorneys

Divorce and family law attorneys often work closely with clients during some of the most challenging periods of their lives. These attorneys are in a unique position to observe behaviors and circumstances that may indicate a need for long-term, chronic addiction treatment. There are several circumstances under which they might

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Estate & Probate Attorneys

Probate or estate attorneys, while primarily concerned with the legal aspects of estate planning, administration, and the probate process, may find themselves in a position where referring a person to long-term, chronic addiction treatment is necessary. This could arise under various circumstances, especially when the attorney observes issues that could

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Burning Tree Ranch is a specialty program dedicated to the treatment of chronic addiction and mental health. Our program is long-term, progress-based, and highly intensive. Since 1999, we have supported countless referring professionals in delivering ethical, high-quality solutions to the clients and families they represent. Family, Financial, & Advisory Services

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