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Real Estate Professionals

State real estate commissions might have substance abuse guidelines for real estate professionals, especially given their work’s financial implications.

National Association of Realtors logo

The National Association of Realtors (NAR)

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) is the largest trade association representing real estate professionals in the U.S. While it sets professional standards, provides resources, and advocates for its members, it doesn’t have regulatory powers like state licensing boards or commissions do. However, NAR does play a significant role in shaping the professional and ethical standards of the real estate industry.

Here’s how NAR engages with issues related to drug and alcohol addiction:

Code of Ethics
NAR’s Code of Ethics establishes the professional behavior expected from its members. While it may not specifically address substance abuse or alcoholism, any behavior that jeopardizes a realtor’s professional responsibilities or the interests of their clients could be viewed as a violation of these ethical guidelines.
Education and Awareness
NAR might offer resources, courses, or seminars addressing a range of issues pertinent to realtors, including personal well-being, stress management, and maintaining professionalism. While not directly addressing substance abuse, these resources can indirectly support realtors in managing personal challenges that could lead to such issues.
Member Support
While NAR itself may not have dedicated programs for substance abuse, it could provide information or resources to members seeking assistance, whether through external organizations, counseling services, or other relevant channels.
Advocacy and Recommendations
NAR can advocate for policies or practices at the state or national level that prioritize the well-being of its members and the broader real estate community. This advocacy might indirectly address substance abuse and addiction issues, emphasizing support and recovery.
Local Boards and Associations
NAR’s structure includes state and local realtor boards and associations. These local entities might have their approaches or resources for members facing personal or professional challenges, including substance abuse.
In terms of direct regulation or disciplinary action related to drug and alcohol addiction, those responsibilities typically lie with the individual state real estate commissions or licensing boards. These bodies oversee real estate professionals’ licensing, regulation, and discipline in their respective states. Their approaches to handling substance abuse or addiction issues will vary by jurisdiction and might involve investigations, mandatory reporting, treatment requirements, or other interventions.

State Licensing Boards for Realtors

State Licensing Boards for Realtors are primarily concerned with real estate professionals’ licensing, oversight, and discipline to ensure that they operate ethically and competently, thereby protecting consumers. When it comes to issues like alcohol and drug addiction, the specifics of how they are addressed can vary by state, but there are some common approaches:
During the licensing or renewal process, some states may require disclosing any criminal convictions, including those related to substance abuse. A history of substance abuse might not automatically disqualify someone from getting or renewing a license, but the board may consider it in its decision-making process.
While the focus is usually on professional behavior and competence, any behavior, including substance abuse, that affects a realtor’s ability to provide services competently might violate these standards.
If the board receives a complaint that a realtor is operating while impaired, it might launch an investigation. This could include interviews, evidence gathering, or, in some cases, drug testing.
Depending on the findings of an investigation, the board can take various corrective actions. This might range from requiring the realtor to attend treatment or counseling to suspending or revoking their license.
Recognizing substance abuse as a treatable issue, some state boards might offer or endorse alternative-to-discipline programs. These non-disciplinary, confidential routes allow realtors to seek treatment and rehabilitation without punitive measures.
As part of continuing education requirements, some state boards might mandate or offer courses that address personal well-being, stress management, and substance abuse awareness.

In some cases, if a realtor is found to have a substance abuse issue, the board might refer them to specific treatment or counseling programs as a condition for maintaining or reinstating their license.

Some state boards might have monitoring programs for realtors identified with substance abuse issues to ensure they remain compliant with treatment recommendations and abstain from substance use while practicing.
State boards may collaborate with local realtor associations or other professional groups to provide resources, support, or programs addressing substance abuse.
It’s essential to understand that the specific interventions, approaches, and policies regarding substance abuse will vary from one state to another. Realtors or those concerned about them should consult their state’s real estate licensing board or commission for detailed information and resources.