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Icon of a Person with a Question Mark
Quick Identifiers

The Burning Tree Client

Red Icon of a Head containing outline of Mind
Behavioral Traits

The Chronic Relapser

Burning Tree Families often describe these behaviors as perplexing and, at times, deeply frustrating. Yet, the overriding sentiment revolves around the pain they cause.

About Our Chronic Relapse Program

Burning Tree Ranch is the Nation’s only authentic long-term treatment program. We’re used to dealing with the extraordinary. That means we treat difficult, advanced stages of addiction that have not been mended in other, shorter-term treatment episodes. 

Long Term

Our long-term treatment center is designed to offer the appropriate amount of time to identify, treat, and recover from chronic addiction in a dual-diagnosis setting.


Effective dual diagnosis treatment necessitates an integrative approach that simultaneously addresses the intricate interplay between mental illness and substance use disorder.

Progress Based

Our treatment is long-term because it is based on progress. We provide our clients the space and time to make full, permanent recoveries.

Long-Term Dual Diagnosis Treatment for the Chronic Relapser

Who Is a Burning Tree Client?

The Good

(Actually Not So Good...)

One tell-tale sign of a chronic relapser is their high IQ. However, as their addiction develops, intelligence becomes their greatest liability.

The Bad

(It Sure Feels Bad...)

The chronic relapser acts as an emotional vampire. They create confusion over harmony while simultaneously sucking the life out of their loved ones.

The Ugly

(Not Always So Ugly...)

Chronic relapsers are incredibly lovable and are experts at using charm to avoid consequences. They have done it for years and it has always worked.

Burning Tree is a World-Renown Organization

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