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Our Promise: Deliver life-changing clinical interventions to those who have been unable to find freedom from the unending cycle of relapse.

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Authentic Long-Term Treatment

A Structured Environment for Comprehensive, Integrated Treatment

The Nation's Only Authentic Long-Term Treatment Program

Burning Tree Ranch is the Nation’s only authentic long-term treatment program. We’re used to dealing with the extraordinary. That means we treat difficult, advanced stages of addiction that have not been mended in other, shorter-term treatment episodes. 

Our long-term treatment center is designed to offer the appropriate amount of time to identify, treat, and recover from chronic addiction in a dual-diagnosis setting.

Burning Tree Ranch Logo in Dark Red
Burning Tree Ranch At a Glance

What Does it Mean to Undergo Long-Term Treatment?

Burning Tree is the Nation’s only authentic long-term treatment provider specializing in the treatment of chronic relapse. We address life and death matters as they relate to chronic addiction and mental health.

What To Expect

Burning Tree Graduates

Our clients engage in a highly customized, life-altering treatment program tailored to the individual. While the goal is permanent sobriety, the mission is so much more. Here’s what to expect from a Burning Tree Graduate:

Seem too good to be true? Burning Tree is a long-term specialty program that focuses exclusively on the complex needs of chronic relapsers. In fact, that’s all we do.

Burning Tree Ranch Icon in White
Long-Term Treatment at Burning Tree Ranch

Common Questions From Family Members

Engaging in long-term treatment is a big commitment for families and clients. Usually, this only becomes an option after numerous failed treatment attempts. Most families come to us with questions, the most common being “Why is Burning Tree different from what we’ve already tried?”

Why Is Burning Tree Known For Treating Complex Cases?

Burning Tree Is The Nation’s Only Authentic Long-Term Treatment Provider Specializing In The Treatment Of Chronic Relapse. We Address Life And Death Matters As They Relate To Chronic Addiction And Mental Health.

Why Does Burning Tree Only Accept Chronic Relapse Clients?

Burning Tree Treats Highly Complex, Fatally Advanced Stages Of Addiction. To Qualify, There Must Be Evidence Of Progressively Worsened Relapse Patterns, As Well As Previous Failed Attempts At Treatment And Sobriety.

Why Is Burning Tree So Focussed On Identifying The Correct Diagnosis?

Burning Tree Clients Often Arrive Misdiagnosed Or Undiagnosed. As such, Appropriate Treatments Have Never Been Rendered. Achieving The Correct Diagnosis Helps Accurately Address The Mental Health Issues That Impact Sobriety.

Why Do So Many Professionals Refer to Burning Tree?

Burning Tree Owns A Strong Track Record Of Treating Incredibly Complex Cases Of Addiction. Many Professionals Refer To Us Upon Recognizing The Severity Of Their Client’s Symptoms, Histories, And Relapse.

What To Expect

Family of Graduates

Our families come to us skeptical and uncertain – even hopeless. Upon completion of the program, here’s what to expect from a Burning Tree Graduate’s Family:

Feel unattainable? Burning Tree clients undergo a long process of transformation. Our families do, too.

Burning Tree Ranch Logo in White

Client Demographics for Our Long-Term Treatment Program

At Burning Tree Ranch, all we treat is chronic relapsers. Our clients come from a variety of demographic backgrounds, but they all have one thing in common: a repeated pattern of relapse into addiction & substance use.


We’ve successfully treated clients between 18 to 72 years of age.


Both male and female clients are welcome at Burning Tree Ranch.

Country of Origin

Our clients travel from across the globe to complete the treatment program, including the United States, Canada, Europe, and beyond.

Red Icon of a Head containing outline of Mind

Mental Health Diagnosis

  • Personality Disorders
  • Bi-Polar & Related Disorders
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Depressive Disorders
  • Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Substance Use Statistics

  • Alcohol: 65%
  • Prescription Drugs & Opioids: 20%
  • Stimulants: 10%
  • Other: 5%

How Do I Know If My Loved One is a Fit for Burning Tree Ranch?

Answer a Few Short Questions

Progress and Setbacks on the Journey to Lasting Recovery

What Does Progress Look Like?

Progress and setbacks are natural parts of life, and this applies to long-term recovery. Families can better navigate the ups and downs of supporting a loved one in recovery by celebrating incremental successes, understanding the reasons behind setbacks, focusing on their well-being, and learning to recognize real commitment.

Brook McKenzie, COO
Quote Icon

Our treatment is long-term because it is based on progress. We provide our clients the space and time to make full, permanent recoveries.

~ Brook McKenzie, LCDC, Chief Operating Officer
Colorized Photo of Main Building at Burning Tree Ranch
Driveway at Burning Tree Ranch in Kaufman, TX

The Importance of Family Involvement

Real Change Happens Through the Family

Families can be powerful allies in the long-term recovery by educating themselves, setting loving boundaries, prioritizing their well-being, and remaining vigilant for signs of trouble. Their involvement, support, and commitment are integral to breaking the cycle of chronic relapse and promoting lasting healing for the entire family system.

Timeline of Treatment

The 4 Phases of Our Long-Term Treatment Program

The complete long-term treatment program at Burning Tree Ranch is broken up into four key phases. We start with full residential treatment before transitioning into aftercare and independent living. 

Phase 1

Intensive Residential Programming

Clients are immersed in our progress-based clinical environment’s structure, routine, and disciplines for chronic relapse. Everything in Phase 1 is designed to support the client in sobriety outside of treatment.

  • Location: Kaufman, TX
  • Emphasis: To establish the foundation for permanent recovery outside of treatment.
Phase 2

Supportive Residential Programming

Clients engage in a combination of continued residential treatment with overnight weekend passes to our aftercare programming & transitional living. This phase is designed to evaluate readiness for a full transition into aftercare.

  • Location: Kaufman & Dallas, TX
  • Emphasis: To establish the client’s preparedness to take on more responsibility in early sobriety.
Phase 3

Tailored Aftercare & Supportive Living

Clients reside in our gender-specific supportive housing while attending aftercare, gaining employment, continuing case management, participating in the AA community, making amends, and pursuing deeper engagements with the recovery community.

  • Location: Dallas, TX
  • Emphasis: For the client to become fully self-supporting while growing in sobriety, responsibility, & self awareness.
Phase 4

Tailored Aftercare & Independent Living

Clients become eligible for independent living with an approved sober peer while continuing their aftercare commitment, growing in their recovery disciplines, and maintaining consistent, self-supporting employment.

  • Location: Dallas, TX
  • Emphasis: Preparing for complete independence financially, emotionally, & spiritually.

The Journey Begins

Clients graduate the entire Burning Tree continuum of care with a strong foundation of sobriety, a comprehensive set of life skills, and a renewed purpose in life.

Choosing to Embrace Hope

Celebrating Milestones on the Path to Recovery

Celebrating milestones in long-term recovery is essential to sustaining progress and hope. By offering affirmation, recognizing the distance traveled, and envisioning a future of purpose and service, families can help their loved ones build the resilience and determination needed for a lifetime of recovery. Each milestone serves as a reminder that change is possible and that a fulfilling life awaits those who persist in their healing journey.

Recognizing How Far You’ve Traveled Together

For individuals with a history of chronic relapse, recognizing how far they’ve come may involve looking back at previous attempts at sobriety and noting the increased duration, stability, and quality of life in their current recovery. It may also include celebrating the improved relationships, educational or vocational successes, and personal growth they’ve experienced.

Burning Tree is a World-Renown Organization

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